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How to Conduct a Social Media Audit?

When was the last time you did a social media audit?
You probably don’t! It must have been quite some time since your previous execution, even if you remember.Unfortunately, a lot of companies don’t take the time or allocate the necessary funds for doing a comprehensive social audit.

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desun technology blogger Farha Khatun

20 Feb 2024


desun technology blogger Farha Khatun

20 Feb 2024


How to Conduct a Social Media Audit?

When was the last time you did a social media audit?

You probably don’t! It must have been quite some time since your previous execution, even if you remember. (Congrats to you if we’re incorrect!) Unfortunately, a lot of companies don’t take the time or allocate the necessary funds for doing a comprehensive social audit.

In the long term, ineffective social media tactics are a waste of resources—money, time, and human hours.

Are you wondering how to maximize a business’s return on investment from a social audit? Fear not—we’ve got you covered. We will share the steps to do the audit here, and to make the process easier for you. So let’s give you a little explanation before getting started.

What Is A Social Media Audit?

A social media audit is a systematic examination of a brand’s or individual’s social media presence to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. This process involves reviewing and analyzing various aspects of social media accounts, platforms, and content to ensure alignment with strategic goals and audience expectations. In simple words, It helps you to identify

  • Your top-performing social platforms
  • Your most engaging content formats
  • Initiatives that drive audience growth
  • New strategies you can deploy to reach your goals

Now let’s take a step-by-step look at every aspect of a social media audit.

Step 1:Compile and Keep Track of All Your Social Media Profiles

Start categorizing each social media profile with your name or your client’s name on a sheet. You may manage every social media profile in this manner. This important step will also guarantee that you don’t miss any inactive profiles that were made and then forgotten in the past. Finding unauthorized pages that are unused on several platforms would also be beneficial.

Step 2:Set Up Your Branding Discrepancies Properly

What should you do next now that you have a list of all of your social media accounts? An in-depth evaluation for branding.

Consistent branding is crucial for establishing credibility and trust with your target audience. Therefore, you need to confirm that all social media accounts are up to date and that all creatives, promos, and campaigns have a unified appearance and voice. For instance, here’s how Desun Technology maintains its branding across its profiles on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter).

Which elements should you highlight to maintain consistency on all social media platforms?

  • Profile and cover images
  • Profile bios
  • Profile descriptions
  • Pinned posts
  • Destination URLs and landing pages
  • Brand and campaign hashtags
  • Verification statuses
Step 3: Define the KPIs and Set Goals for Your Social Media

It would be like driving a car on a pitch-black motorway without headlights when an audit is conducted without defined goals. Your social media audit will go more smoothly if you establish realistic goals for each platform’s social media presence and focus on appropriate KPIs to evaluate. It’s critical to keep in mind that various social media platforms call for various objectives. Setting KPIs is simple after your goals have been determined.

You can include the following metrics in your audit report:

  • Account information
  • Engagement metrics
  • Publishing metrics
  • Audience demographics
  • Referral traffic
Step 5: Find Out Which Social Media Posts Are Your Best

The main goal of a social media audit is to increase the amount of material that benefits your customers and generates income for you. Finding the content kind that works best for you and concentrating more on it is therefore the best course of action. At this point, the question you should be asking yourself is: What material resonates most with your audience? Are they polls, articles, videos, carousels, or something else?

Analyze your analytics carefully to find out which of your social media postings are getting the most likes, shares, and reach to provide an answer to this issue.

Step 6: Calculate the ROI of Your Social Media.

You must monitor the ROI, or “return on investment,” to determine the worth of your social media marketing. Put simply, return on investment (ROI) for social media marketing shows you what you get for the time, money, and effort you put into it. It’s important to recognize, nevertheless, that not all social media endeavors can be immediately made money from; these would require non-monetary measurements that are in line with your objectives.

If you are interested in a free Comprehensive Social media audit report for your business then click here to book 30 30-minute consultation call with our expert.


Performing a social media audit is now a crucial component of any digital marketing plan, not just a nice-to-have. Take some time to carefully review and assess your social media presence as part of the step-by-step instructions that you have. Resources saved, a more focused approach, and eventually an improved online presence for your company are some advantages you can enjoy.

Let me remind you that your plan should always change along with the digital landscape! One final thought for now – remember, the digital landscape is always evolving, and so should your strategy!

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